THU | Jan 30 | Feb 13, 27 | Mar 6, 27 | Apr 3, 10, 24 | 5:00—6:00 PM | Meeting Room BWant to practice your Spanish conversation skills? Join in these lively discussions led by GRASP, graduate students from the Department…
Ages 3+ with their familiesEnjoy engaging stories, delightful songs, playful rhymes, and hands-on activities with Hannah and Crafty the Cat.View our Storytimes Online archive here:
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It's a library love fest! Join Deja Brooks for a rousing round of Valentine's Day: Lover Edition bingo! We'll play Swiftie themed bingo games, you can win bookish prizes, and support your favorite library while you're at it.
Registration closes February 12 at 12:00am (59 spots remaining)Register for event - Online event
Join us online for a cup of coffee and conversation with fellow Retirees. To get on the list, email Lorel at
Ages 3+ with their familiesEnjoy engaging stories, delightful songs, playful rhymes, and hands-on activities with Hannah and Crafty the Cat.View our Storytimes Online archive here:
Every Tue | Feb 11-Apr 27 | 3-7PM | Study Room 4
Every Fri | Feb 11-April 27 | 1-5PM | Study Room 4
Every Sat | Feb 11-April 27 | 11AM-3PM | Study Room 4
Every Sun | Feb 11-April 27 | 10AM-2PM | Study Room 4
Trained volunteers from KU’s…
Ages 5-11Looking for an all reading levels book club? We'll read (or listen to) books together on a theme we choose together! Get ready for fun!All reading levels welcome!
Have questions? Email Lauren at
Registration required (3 spots remaining)Register for event- ,
SAT | Feb 15 | 10 AM–1 PM | Auditorium
Join Tenants to Homeowners (TTH) to learn about the steps to buying a home, why credit matters, the types of mortgage loans available, and more! The workshop is sponsored in part with US Bank. A HUD…
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Ages 3-6
1 y 3 Sábados | 10:30–11:00 AM | Readers’ Theater
1st & 3rd SAT | 10:30–11:00 AM | Readers’ Theater
En el primer sábado del mes, vamos a unirnos a la biblioteca. En el tercer sábado del mes, nos reuniremos en lugares diferentes.…
Every Tue | Feb 11-Apr 27 | 3-7PM | Study Room 4
Every Fri | Feb 11-April 27 | 1-5PM | Study Room 4
Every Sat | Feb 11-April 27 | 11AM-3PM | Study Room 4
Every Sun | Feb 11-April 27 | 10AM-2PM | Study Room 4
Trained volunteers from KU’s…
Boost reading and math skills with our KU tutor. Register for an in-person session here. Tutoring in Reading: Pre-K–6th gradeTutoring in Math: K–9th grade
This session will meet in the Children's Study Nooks. Check in at the…
Registration requiredRegister for eventBoost reading and math skills with our KU tutor. Register for an in-person session here. Tutoring in Reading: Pre-K–6th gradeTutoring in Math: K–9th grade
This session will meet in the Children's Study Nooks. Check in at the…
Registration requiredRegister for eventEvery Tue | Feb 11-Apr 27 | 3-7PM | Study Room 4
Every Fri | Feb 11-April 27 | 1-5PM | Study Room 4
Every Sat | Feb 11-April 27 | 11AM-3PM | Study Room 4
Every Sun | Feb 11-April 27 | 10AM-2PM | Study Room 4
Trained volunteers from KU’s…
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Larry McElwain knew from a young age that becoming an undertaker would be his life’s calling. However, the life of a funeral director isn’t always shrouded in the solemnity of death. In his book, A Life Lived Amongst Lives Lost, Larry…
Registration required (24 spots remaining)Register for event - ,
Ages 8-11Do you love getting into the world of a book? Would you like to chat with other book lovers and be part of a book club? To find out about getting a copy of our book club title ask at the front children’s desk or email Jenny at…
Registration required (5 spots remaining)Register for event - ,
Calling all knitters, crocheters, hand sewers, cross-stitchers, and needle pointers. We're gathering at Meeting Room C in the lower level of the library to do some needle work, learn from each other, and discuss and solve the weighty issues…
Registration closes February 16 at 12:00am (20 spots remaining)Register for event - ,
Free, but register online or at 785-843-3833. Returning players will get first choice, remaining spots will be open for registration beginning two weeks prior to the event.
Hail and well met! Transform yourself into a magical character…
Registration closed The Lawrence Public Library is governed by a seven-member Board of Trustees.
Online meetings will now be hosted via Google Meet.
This month's meeting link
The board typically meets the third Monday of each month at 4:30 PM in Meeting…
Boost reading and math skills with our KU tutor. Register for an in-person session here. Tutoring in Reading: Pre-K–6th gradeTutoring in Math: K–9th grade
This session will meet in the Children's Study Nooks. Check in at the…
Registration requiredRegister for event